
This organizational factor – Collaborative Approaches to Programs and Service Delivery – involves four elements:

  • Engaged community,
  • Client-centred approach,
  • Inter-professional teams,
  • Integrated or coordinated programs and services between public health and primary care .

The factor – collaborative approaches to programs and service delivery – refers to team structures and approaches for delivering programs and services across the continuum.

Community Engagement
Among these four elements, community engagement is key, especially when collaborations are focused on serving marginalized, priority, or underserved populations. Collaboration is facilitated when it is designed to satisfy the needs of the client (individual/ family/community) through their active involvement. This is an approach commonly used in public health.

Client-centred Approach
A client-centred approach involves clients in decision making related to their health needs and seeking knowledge from them about their assets and needs. This inclusive approach is commonly used in primary care.

Inter-professional Teams
Inter-professional teams are considered fundamental to the success of a collaboration initiative. These teams typically include several professionals with a variety of skill sets who come together as a team to facilitate a client-centred, community-engaged focus. Each brings their specialized knowledge and skills. Non professionals, such as lay or peer supports and administrative staff, are also important to consider as part of teams.

Integrated or Coordinated Programs and Services
Collaboration between public health and primary care works best when each sector is focusing on the needs of their shared clients. This multi-professional approach is used in the delivery of integrated or coordinated programs and services.

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