
  • Targeted professional education curriculums should include:
    • A collaborative learning model,
    • Intersectoral learning opportunities,
    • Team dynamics,
    • Integrated healthcare approaches,
    • Both public health and primary care practica,
    • Evidence-informed practices,
    • Technological advances for improved teaching practices.
  •  Curricula  should meet Accreditation of Interprofessional Health Education (AIPHE) Accreditation Standards regarding collaboration;
  • There should be financial support for collaborative education from various sources: These may include governmental agencies, universities, and/or organizations;
  • Education should provide experience of interprofessional educational practicums;
  • There should be continuous intersectoral  professional opportunities;
  • Professional development [post graduation] should be continuous and benefit from positive influences within the organization [organizational culture];
  • Students need to understand the value and skill of relationship building;
  • Professional education should provide opportunities to build capacity for and sustain public health-primary care collaborations.


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