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Welcome to the Toolkit for Primary Care and Public Health Collaboration!

This toolkit will be of interest to primary care and public health providers, managers, policy makers, and students who are interested in primary care and public health collaboration.

In each module, short case examples where roles of various disciplines are highlighted such as primary care nurses, physicians, public health nurses, dietitians, and others.

Tips for various professionals will be highlighted through the toolkit where relevant. The tips will be marked with an image of an apple like the one seen here.

Building and maintaining a successful public health and primary care collaboration is complex. A comprehensive review to understand how each layer impacts the other will provide a foundation to build a deeper understanding of how to make collaborations work.

The content of this toolkit has been developed based on an ecological framework for building successful collaboration between primary care and public health. This framework will serve as a roadmap to navigate through each of the modules.

The core of the framework represents successful primary care and public health collaboration.  This core module, describes the nature of primary care and public health collaboration. In other words, it explores the what, where, why and how, of collaboration.

The core module explains: Where it makes sense to collaborate; the goals of collaboration; the forms or structures of collaboration; the various ways people can work together in collaborations; activities conducted; and the outcomes of collaborations.

The Ecological Framework for Building Successful Collaboration between primary care and public health builds on the San-Martin Rodriguez and colleague’s notion of major determinants of collaboration.

Moving outward from the core module, the toolkit contains four levels in the concentric circles that represent the major determinants of collaboration that can determine its success.

In each of these four levels, which represent the determinants of collaboration, there are  twenty-one modules. Each module incorporates factors that influence building and maintaining successful collaborations.

It is important to note that many factors can have an influence on other factors in the framework. For example, by implementing effective communication strategies about the roles of all partners in a collaboration, role clarity can be enhanced.

Factors at one level of determinants can influence factors at another level. For instance the development of formal organizational leaders as collaboration champions which occurs at the organizational level can ultimately support the development of shared values, beliefs, and attitudes of staff at the interpersonal level.

And governmental and regulatory associations, policies, and mandates for collaboration at the systemic level can support the development of clear mandates and goals for collaboration at the organizational level.

Examples of these relationships exist throughout the toolkit and are marked with a linked icon.

At the farthest point of the outside layer of the framework, the Research and Evaluation Module are situated. Since collaborations evolve over time it is very valuable to assess how the collaboration is going and then to address any concerns in order to have a successful collaboration. In the Research and Evaluation Module, provides evaluate or research strategies that could be relevant for a collaboration.

To get started click on the Introduction module which will provide an in-depth understanding of the toolkit, such as the learning objectives, intended audience, and definitions of the terms.

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